Come and join us for a heartopening ecstatic Kirtan with Vedaji & Dutch Love Revolution.
Kirtan = transcending the mind by singing and dancing on the mystical vibrations of mantra’s.
The beautiful church is the place where we can truly open our hearts and experience deep unconditional, eternal, spiritual love!
Vedaji will plant the seed of love and takes us into an experience beyond imagination.
Spread the seed of love and sing your heart out!
Donation based (guideline is € 15,- ). All donations go to Vedaji’s non profit organisation Mindful Seva Institute Netherlands. Whatever you donate (less or more) we are so happy to meet you on this beautiful event!
Adress: Schootsekerk, Schootsestraat 47 in Eindhoven. Parking is avalaible in the streets close to the church.
Let us know you are coming: