Jivamukti Yoga XL & Masterclass with Tone Overelv, advanced Jivamukti Yoga teacher

The tree of life – an adventure into the science of vinyasa krama. Saturday 13 may 2023. Costs: € 100,- for members, or € 120,- for all participants for a full day. You can also book only the morning class or afternoon class, look on the website Join a Yoga Class and scroll down for the schedule and booking.

Vinyasa krama means to place something on purpose in a special order and is an uninterrupted sequence from beginning to end. In this 2 hour Jivamukti XL class we will explore this science and how it adheres to life and how we live it. How can we use our yoga practice to purposely investigate our selves and see how we are all in some way connected and unified through what we think, say and do. We use the vinyasa practice to restore and renew back to our roots and grow to both see and be the best version of ourselves that we can be in this world, and thus see the world change as we change. 

Turning it upside down and putting it all together – an exploration of our foundation

In this workshop we will be exploring the roots of yoga, research and regain our foundation and our connection to the Earth, and how all the small elements come together into a whole new understanding. We are also going to investigate how our perception changes whilst being upside down, working slowly and deliberately on both the whole and in detail. 

Including: potluck -> bring some nice foods to share for lunch. Evening meal is arranged by The Yoga Home if you stay for Kirtan!

Book your spot through the Yogibit app or this link https://theyogahome.yogibit.nl/cbm/training-info/13-05-2023/09:30/1472/

Tone Overelv